Congrats to Faravelli GmbH
Faravelli GmbH, our German sister company, informs us that it passed an audit held on 26 July which resulted in the renewal of the Responsible Care certification.
This is a very important and distinctive achievement in the German chemical industry.
Responsible Care is a global, voluntary initiative developed independently by the chemical industry for the chemical industry.
It represents the chemical industry's desire to improve health, safety and environmental performance.
Responsible Care is present in 67 countries whose combined chemical industries account for almost 90% of global chemical production.
96 of the 100 largest chemical manufacturers in the world have adopted Responsible Care.
Signatory chemical companies are committed to improving their performance in the areas of environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection, plant safety, product stewardship and logistics, as well as to continuously improving dialogue with neighbouring companies and the public.
By renewing its certification, Faravelli GmbH confirms its adherence to the principles and values of the Safety, Health and Environment-oriented Programme, within the more general framework of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Congrats to Faravelli GmbH for its efforts and commitment.